Illustration is simply drawing with a point.

Artist Statement
Drawing is linear mark making. Drawing is a way of understanding the world. It is a way to record our ideas. Drawing differs from illustration and painting in that it is personal. I illustrate to communicate an idea to an audience, but I draw for me. I may draw the figure, a building or a still life as an observational exercise. It differs from photography because I can take a picture and remain relatively objective, I can take a photograph of a scene without really seeing it, but drawing is completely subjective. Every stroke is a conscious decision. Illustration is simply drawing with a point – a point of view. You can doodle abstract lines on paper and identify it as a drawing, but if those same lines are drawn as a map for the purpose of giving someone directions, it is an illustration.
Sing like nobody’s listening. Dance like nobody’s watching. And color outside the lines for the fun of it.
A collection of articles, stories and a diagram of my family shrub -- things that kind of ramble around somewhere is the darkness of my brain.

The Kids Are Alright
“A delightfully fuzzy-headed raconteur.”
Matthew Porter
Communication Art Magazine
Wild Things

To view more in the “Wild Things” portfolio and/or purchase copies go to: