169. “Walk This Way” is a song by Aerosmith that famously covered by Run D.M.C. It was written by Joe Perry and Steven Tyler. The story behind the song is that the band loved the movie Young Frankenstein in which, Marty Feldman/Igor who was Gene Wilder/Dr. Frankenstein’s hunchbacked assistant leads guest into Dr. Frankenstein’s castle with a “Walk This Way” line, with Wilder imitating Feldman walk. The band thought it was hilarious and used the line for the title of the song, but Feldman was giving a nod to the famous Groucho Marx walk and line. However, the song is not really about a walk but about a cheerleader who has an “open door” policy and leads a schoolboy through his first sexual experience. Aerosmith does not shy away from songs with filthy lyrics, and this is one of them.